MLS-C01 Practice Online

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Name: AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty
Exam Code: MLS-C01
Certification: AWS Certified Specialty
Vendor: Amazon
Total Questions: 294
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024
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Total 294 Questions | Updated On: Apr 25, 2024
Question 1

A retail company wants to combine its customer orders with the product description data from its product catalog. The structure and format of the records in each dataset is different. A data analyst tried to use a spreadsheet to combine the datasets, but the effort resulted in duplicate records and records that were not properly combined. The company needs a solution that it can use to combine similar records from the two datasets and remove any duplicates.
Which solution will meet these requirements?

Answer: D

Question 2

A Data Scientist is developing a machine learning model to predict future patient outcomes based on information collected about each patient and their treatment plans. The model should output a continuous value as its prediction. The data available includes labeled outcomes for a set of 4,000 patients. The study was conducted on a group of individuals over the age of 65 who have a particular disease that is known to worsen with age.
Initial models have performed poorly. While reviewing the underlying data, the Data Scientist notices that, out of 4,000 patient observations, there are 450 where the patient age has been input as 0. The other features for these observations appear normal compared to the rest of the sample population.
How should the Data Scientist correct this issue?

Answer: B

Question 3

The Chief Editor for a product catalog wants the Research and Development team to build a machine learning system that can be used to detect whether or not individuals in a collection of images are wearing the company's retail brand The team has a set of training data
Which machine learning algorithm should the researchers use that BEST meets their requirements?

Answer: C

Question 4

A credit card company wants to build a credit scoring model to help predict whether a new credit card applicant
will default on a credit card payment. The company has collected data from a large number of sources with
thousands of raw attributes. Early experiments to train a classification model revealed that many attributes are
highly correlated, the large number of features slows down the training speed significantly, and that there are
some overfitting issues.
The Data Scientist on this project would like to speed up the model training time without losing a lot of
information from the original dataset.
Which feature engineering technique should the Data Scientist use to meet the objectives?

Answer: B

Question 5

A Mobile Network Operator is building an analytics platform to analyze and optimize a company's operations using Amazon Athena and Amazon S3
The source systems send data in CSV format in real lime The Data Engineering team wants to transform the data to the Apache Parquet format before storing it on Amazon S3
Which solution takes the LEAST effort to implement?

Answer: B

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Total 294 Questions | Updated On: Apr 25, 2024