CT-TAE Practice Online

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Name: ISTQB Certified Tester Test Automation Engineer
Exam Code: CT-TAE
Certification: ISTQB Test Automation Engineer
Vendor: ISTQB
Total Questions: 138
Last Updated: May 15, 2024
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Total 138 Questions | Updated On: May 15, 2024
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Question 1

You are using a gTAA to create a TAS for a project. The TAS is aimed specifically at automatically generating and executing test cases based on a use-case modeling approach that uses UML as modeling language. All the interactions between TAS and SUT will occur only at API and GUI level.

Based only on the given information, which of the following components of the gTAA would you exclude from the TAS in this scenario?

Answer: D

Question 2

As a TAE you are evaluating a functional test automation tool that will be used for managing several projects within your organization. Such projects will require the tool to work effectively and efficiently with SUTs in distributed environments. The test automation tool has also to interface with other test tools (test management tool and defect tracking tool) already in place. These test tools will be subjected to planned updates and their interface to the test automation tool could not work properly after these updates.

Based only on the given information, which of the following are the two least important concerns related to the evaluation of the test automation tool in this scenario? (Choose two.)

Answer: B,E

Question 3

Two years ago, you deployed a TAS that has been working well with the SUT. This TAS used test data replicated from production that consisted of various customer support contracts each with a particular setting that was being tested (such as standard response times, part replacement policy, etc.). Because these contracts never expired, the data could be used by the test automation with known expected results. A change has recently been made which causes the contracts to expire after 90 days, at which time they must be renewed with updated terms. Expired contracts cannot be used for testing.

You have decided the best way to handle this data change is to query the database for the appropriate contracts and then create a table of the contracts to be used by the test automation. In this way, the scripts will require only minimal changes and the solution will be more flexible.

Given this information, where should this change be implemented to provide the highest level of maintainability?

Answer: C

Question 4

You are working on a TAS for standalone application. The automated tests are developed based on a
automation framework that allows interaction with GUI elements using on object orientated API. The GUI
elements include menus, buttons, radio buttons, text toolbars and their properties.
Whilst automating a test, you have discovered that the GUI elements of some third party components are not
identifiable by the automated tool you are using
Which of the following is the FIRST step that you take to investigate this issue? 

Answer: A

Question 5

You are in the pilot phase of a new TAS that has been created for an e-commerce project. One of the issues you have noted is that the test results are provided in a text document whereas the testers normally get the output in Excel. The output is used to generate charts and to track risk mitigation.

What is the preferable path to take at this point?

Answer: C

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Total 138 Questions | Updated On: May 15, 2024
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