Exam Code | Exam Name |
CHA Exam | Certified Hotel Administrator |
Exam Code | Exam Name |
CHM Exam | Certified Hospitality Manager |
CFBE Exam | Certified Food and Beverage Executive |
CHDT Exam | Certified Hospitality Department Trainer |
CHE Exam | Certified Hospitality Educator |
CHFE Exam | Certified Hospitality Facilities Executive |
CHHE Exam | Certified Hospitality Housekeeping Executive |
CHI Exam | Certified Hospitality Instructor |
CHRM Exam | Certified Hospitality Revenue Manager |
CHS Exam | Certified Hospitality Supervisor |
CHSP Exam | Certified Hospitality Sales Professional |
CHT Exam | Certified Hospitality Trainer |
CLO Exam | Certified Lodging Owner |
CLSD Exam | Certified Lodging Security Director |
CLSO Exam | Certified Lodging Security Officer |
CLSS Exam | Certified Lodging Security Supervisor |
CRDE Exam | Certified Rooms Division Executive |
CGSP Exam | Certified Guest Service Professional (CGSP) |
CFDR Exam | START Certified Front Desk Representative (CFDR) |
CGA Exam | START Certified Guestroom Attendant (CGA) |
CKC Exam | START Certified Kitchen Cook (CKC) |
CME Exam | START Certified Maintenance Employee (CME) |
CRS Exam | START Certified Restaurant Server (CRS) |
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